financial planning for pilots

Flight Line Financial, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor firm located in Princeton, New Jersey specializing in 401(k) financial planning, advice and asset allocation strategies specifically for airline pilots. The firm divides its expertise in 2 distinct and separate services for pilots depending on age and proximity to retirement :
1. Younger pilots – less than age 59 ½: For a low flat annual fee of $500.00, which is not deducted from your 401(k) tax deferred account – therefore allowing tax free and management fee growth and compounding of assets, Flight Line Financial will provide asset allocation strategies to your account implementing four core principles. These principles are diversification, allocation, dollar cost averaging and rebalancing. Mixing passively managed index funds along with actively managed funds provides a mix to maximize potential for growth, minimizing expenses while mitigating risk across various sectors. Allocation strategies take into account risk tolerance and time horizons while considering global and domestic concerns in the marketplace. Other topics discussed are 529’s, outside IRA’s, spousal IRA’s, 415(c) limits, RHA, B plan, Roth vs. non Roth, etc.

Financial Planning for Pilots








Recent Media Events


Glenn Nevola Featured on Barrons



“Airline pilot Glenn Nevola has spent so many flights talking with his co-pilots about their 401(k) plans that he started a financial advisory business to help them. So reports MarketWatch. Pilots, it turns out, have some money.” – Barron’s







Glenn Nevola Featured on Market Watch



“Ever wonder what pilots talk about while they’re flying? This one answers questions about the best retirement investments. In fact, Glenn Nevola has spent so many flights talking with his co-pilots about their 401(k) plans that he started a financial advisory business to help them.” – Market Watch







News Radio 880 – Bloomberg Business with Joe Connelly



Glenn is in the business of helping other pilots on the basis of trust. Pilots simply trust other pilots; therefore, Flightline Financial set out to help other pilots with their investments making it easy for them to attend seminars during their layovers.







Glenn Nevola on Yahoo Finance



“I was nestled into my seat on the plane, cocktail in hand, happily watching “Creed” when the pilot interrupted with an inflight announcement: “Folks, this is your captain speaking. We’re experiencing some engine trouble.” – Yahoo Financial







News Radio 880 – Bloomberg Business with Joe Connelly



Financial services specializing in helping pilots. Flightline Financial offers two types of services, for pilots under age 59 and pilots over age 59 getting ready to retire.







Interview on 700WLW on Massive Pilot Shortage



Glenn Nevola discusses a CNBC report on a new study released at the Paris Air Show warned the global airline industry will face a massive pilot shortage in the next ten years.







KUIK 1360 – Glenn on Financial Planning



“Glenn discusses his financial services program for pilots with KUIK 1360. *Listen through 10 seconds of dead air.*







Frankie Boyer Show with Glenn Nevola



Glenn discusses commercial aviation industry with Frankie Boyer.







Small Business Advocate with Glenn Nevola



Glenn Nevola discusses retirement planning for pilots who are looking for financial advise.







financial planning for pilots

Our Services

One service area is for the younger pilots – below age 59 1/2, for a low flat annual fee of $500.00. This fee will not deducted from your tax-deferred account. This allows your 401(k) account to grow unrestricted, maximizing compounding, without management fees being withdrawn. As your personal retirement consultant, strategic planning and asset allocation will be discussed and implemented on your retirement accounts…




401k planning for pilots

We Specialize In

One service area is for the younger pilots – below age 59 1/2, for a low flat annual fee of $500.00.

  • 401(k) Management and Advice
  • Asset Allocation Strategies
  • Rollover Strategies
  • RHA Funding
  • Post Retirement Financial Planning